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Our School Day

Cuthberts (19 of 116)(1)

EYFS and KS1

A typical week is 32.5hours of school time. Children MUST be in school for 8:45am.

08.35 Gate and door opens

08.45  Registration

09.00  Lesson

10.30-10.45 Playtime

10.25-11.45 lessons

12.00-13.00 Lunch time

13.00-14.45  Lesson

14.45  Collective/Whole School Prayer & Liturgy

15.00 Class Novel

15.15  Home time



Assembly Times

Monday- Whole school worship

Tuesday- Class prayer and worship

Wednesday- Wednesday Word Worship

Thursday- Class prayer and worship

Friday- Whole school worship and hymn practice.

Celebration assembly is also on a Friday. 




08.35 Gate and door opens

08.45  Registration

09.00  Lesson

10.30-10.45 Playtime

10.25-11.45 Lessons

12.00-13.00 Lunch time

13.00-15.00  Lesson

15.15  Home time

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