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Year 2

Hello, my name is Mrs Banks, and I am the Year 2 Teacher. 

Our mornings begin with handwriting practice, then spelling and guided reading, using and improving our phonetical knowledge.  The rest of the morning will consist of Maths and English.  We follow the White Rose programme in Maths and the English scheme is Pathways to Write. 

Our afternoons are filled with fun discussions about our class novel, History/Geaography and other foundation subjects. R.E. is taught for 2.5 hours a week and follows the Religious Education Directory.

Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday, and we are so lucky to have Carlisle United coaches visiting us to lead these sessions. Please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on these days. 


For the curriculum overview for Year 2, please see the Curriculum page on the website. 


Spelling: We have a busy classroom and complete a Spelling Test every Friday morning.  Children will receive a list of 10 words every Friday, in their Reading Records, to be learnt by the following Friday.   


Reading: Children are encouraged to read daily in class, and to practice at home as much as possible.  This should be recorded in their Reading Record. 


Useful links:   https://www.purplemash.com/sch/stcuthbertsca7#/  - Computing scheme. 


                  https://collins.co.uk/search?query=little%20wandle  - Phonics and reading. 


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