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Year 3 and 4

Welcome to Year 3 and 4.  We hope you have a wonderful time learning, growing and developing with us this year. The class teachers are Mrs Robinson (Mon-Thurs) and Mrs Salkeld (Fri). 

Key information

Curriculum:  To view the overall curriculum taught in Year 3 and 4 please see the curriculum page on our website. (Found on the menu to the left of this page.)

Please see the leaflets below for information on what the end of year expectations are for learning for each year group. 

PE will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday. For this children will need a full PE kit, ( (red shorts or plain black joggers, a white t- shirt, a school jumper or school hoody and trainers. No Nike Pro style shorts please. Please also ensure that hair is tied back and any jewellery removed). 


Reading: Your child will bring home their reading book and diary every day.  It is expected that they read at home at least 5 times per week for10 minutes and they record this in their diaries every time they do so.  Reading books and reading records must be brought into school and into class every day. When a book has been read, a reading quiz will be completed and the book will be changed. 

Spelling: Spellings are given out on Thursdays to be completed and returned the following Wednesday. I will hold a homework club on Wednesday break time for those needing support. 

Times tables: We use Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) to practise in school. Children have a unique log on which they can use to access TTRS online from most devices. It's very important that children learn and are able to rapidly recall their times tables, to support their learning children are asked to practise at home when they can. 

 Here is a direct link to TTRS   https://ttrockstars.com/  

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